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Nuclear Request for Information (RFI 5946)

Thank you for your interest in participating in advanced nuclear energy technologies (RFI 5946).

This RFI solicits information from entities either already pursuing, or interested in pursuing, a potential role in the development of advanced nuclear energy technologies in New York State. 

This RFI will help support any next steps New York State may take in regard to advanced nuclear technologies.

Respondents may include: stakeholders interested in using advanced nuclear solutions to serve their energy needs, supply chain entities, (potential) host communities, workforce entities, project developers, financing/funding entities and those working on research and development. 

The RFI can be found at Nuclear Request For Information. If you have any questions, contact Alyse Peterson at

Responses to this RFI are open until further notice.

Please note: Partially completed information cannot be saved, be sure to have all details with you before beginning the form. For the best form completion experience, use the Google Chrome browser.

* Required Field 

Contact Information

Full Name

What role does your business or organization fill? (Check all that apply)


Please ensure your document file name does not include any special characters, such as ~! @#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/. 

Responses should be uploaded as files in .docx or .pdf format.

RFI Responses

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Tracking Number

You will be provided with a Tracking Number upon submission.