NYSERDA seeks comments on the Evaluation Criteria for Determining Cost-Effectiveness of Changes to the Energy Conservation Code of New York State.
Comments are due November 3, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. ET. After the comment period, NYSERDA will collect, summarize, review, and consider the comments received before publishing a notice of proposed rulemaking and, ultimately, releasing the final Evaluation Criteria for Determining Cost-Effectiveness of Changes to the Energy Conservation Code of New York State.
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If you have questions regarding the Evaluation Criteria for Determining Cost-Effectiveness of Changes to the Energy Conservation Code of New York State, please email Codes@nyserda.ny.gov. Respondents should provide only information that can be made public by NYSERDA. All comments may be aggregated, will be considered non-confidential, and may be shared with others outside of NYSERDA. However, the identity of the respondent will not be publicly disclosed.
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