Download, fill out, and save the mandatory Consumer Site Participation Agreement. Then, upload it into the supporting documents section.
Please note: Partially completed information cannot be saved, be sure to have all details with you before beginning the form. Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation and a tracking number on your screen to print or save. Refer to this tracking number to check on the status of your request. For the best form completion experience, use the Google Chrome browser.
For full program details and eligibility, visit If you have any questions, reach out to or call (917) 716-7597.
* Required field
Full Name
Does the site have a heating/cooling system other than the heat pump(s)?
Does the site promote sustainability?
Does the site host events?
Are there community events that take place in your area?
A component of Experience Clean Heat is a site's social media presence, especially an existing social media following and engagement from their followers. This includes frequent and dynamic posts and interaction with followers. Please complete the questions below. The field ambassador will review the site’s online presence.
Social Media
Please select which types of initiatives you would be willing to work with us on.
Please ensure your document file name does not include any special characters, such as ~! @#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/.
Consumer Site Participation Agreement
Sign Here
Tracking Number