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National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Survey

Note: your total should equal 100%.


Which of the currently designated electric fuel corridors in NYS do you think has the greatest need for additional EV charging stations? Please select up to five (5):

User Experience

Please rate the importance of having the following EV charging station amenities at a DC fast charging station location, where 1 is most important and 5 is least important:

Please rate the importance of having the following EV charging station amenities at a DC fast charging station location, where 1 is most important and 5 is least important:
1 2 3 4 5
Touchless Payment
24-hour Restrooms
24-hour Food
Nearby Shopping
Other, please specify

If you use publicly accessible EV chargers, what type of payment mechanism do you MOST prefer to use? Please select up to two.

If you use publicly accessible EV chargers, what type of payment mechanism do you LEAST prefer to use? Please select up to two.

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