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NYStretch 2023 Public Comments - Residential, Due August 30, 2022

NYSERDA seeks comments on the Draft NYStretch 2023 Energy Code. Click here to download a copy of the Draft Residential NYStrech 2023 Code including proposed Modification. 

To achieve the carbon reduction goals outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, or CLCPA, the efficiency of new construction in New York State must advance at rate faster than the national model codes have achieved to date. NYSERDA developed NYStretch 2020 as a model code for use by New York municipalities to meet their energy and climate goals by accelerating the savings obtained through their local building energy codes. NYStretch 2023 builds on NYStretch 2020 to develop an even more efficient code that is readily adoptable as a strategy to drive further reductions in greenhouse emissions required to meet CLCPA.

NYSERDA seeks input that will support and inform the development of NYStretch 2023 Energy Code. Please provide your feedback on the existing  Draft Residential NYStretch 2023 Energy Code. Comments on the specific code sections is requested and are identified in the system. However, general comments are also welcome.

At the end of the comment period on August 30, 2022, NYSERDA will collect, review, and summarize the comments received. It will be noted how those comments were incorporated or why they were not included. 

Please note: Partially completed information cannot be saved, be sure to have all details with you before beginning the form. For the best form completion experience, use the Google Chrome browser. Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation and a tracking number on your screen to print or save. Refer to this tracking number to check on the status of your request.

If you have questions regarding NYStretch 2023 and the development process, please email Respondents should provide only information that can be made public by NYSERDA. All comments may be aggregated, will be considered non-confidential, and may be shared with others outside of NYSERDA. However, the identity of the respondent will not be publicly disclosed.

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Instructions for providing comments on this form: This form does not allow for text formatting. Select the amendment/section you would like to propose modifications or comment to. Once selected, a text box will appear to type or paste your public comment. The text included in each box should be the clean/final proposed modification language for the relevant amendment. At the end of the form, you may upload a redline version of the Draft NYStretch 2023 Residential Code including the proposed modifications in track changes mode. Click here to download a copy of the Draft Residential NYStrech 2023 Code including proposed Modification. 

If only an attachment is provided and the attachment does not clearly indicate the proposed modification, your comment may not be considered. Please make sure to track your changes.

If you are submitting a modification to a table, provide only a detailed description of the change in the appropriate amendment comment box form and upload a marked-up word document with suggested table modification(s).

Amendments to 2021 International Energy Conservation Code Residential Provisions


NYStrech 2023 Residential Code Redlined Copy

Click Here to Upload

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